Log In to the Chrome Browser
If you are a District employee or student, we encourage you to take advantage of your District Googl
Use Testing Apps on District Chromebooks
District-wide testing applications are available on any District Chromebook capable of running the c
Update Policies on a Chromebook
This article illustrates how to affirmatively update a Chromebook's enterprise administration polici
Connect a District Chromebook to District Wireless
This article covers the basics of getting a District Chromebook onto the most appropriate of the ava
MAP Testing on a District Chromebook
This article is for students using a District Chromebook to do MAP testing. Note that much of the fo
Manually Update Chrome OS on a Chromebook
In general, a District Chromebook which is used regularly will keep itself up to date, but sometimes
AK STAR Testing on a District Chromebook
This article is for students using a District Chromebook to do AK STAR testing.
The App for AK ST
Reset a District Chromebook
This article discusses how to reset (aka powerwash, wipe, erase) a District Chromebook by yourself.
Connect a Personal Chromebook to District Wireless
This article covers the basics of getting a personal Chromebook onto the most appropriate of the ava
Request Remote Assistance on a District Chromebook
It is possible for a user of a District Chromebook--student or staff--to request a live remote suppo