Use Testing Apps on District Chromebooks
District-wide testing applications are available on any District Chromebook capable of running the current year's testing apps. (See Appendices below for resources to help you check the support requirements for a given test, and to check support status for the Chromebook models in our District fleet.)
Currently-available stand-alone testing apps include: Bluebook Exams, College Board, DRC INSIGHT, Kite Student Portal, NWEA Secure Browser, NWEA State Solutions, ACCUPLACER, and Pearson TestNav. Note that a testing app is not the same thing as the testing service which might use it, and may even have an entirely different name (e.g., MAP testing is conducted in the NWEA Secure Browser app, Aimsweb testing is conducted in the Pearson TestNav app, etc.). See Appendices for links to some specific apps or testing services.
Note: Before using a Chromebook for testing, make sure both that it meets the system requirements for the test (including any available storage space requirements), and that its Chrome OS is up to date. Note that storage space on a Chromebook can be recovered in full by resetting the device; you can either do this yourself, or (especially with a large fleet) you can work with the Helpdesk to do bulk resets most efficiently.
Note: if you are trying to test on a personal Chromebook with one of these testing apps (and not all testing apps permit personal--non-managed--Chromebooks), you will have to acquire and install the app yourself, and possibly configure it. While this should be possible, we recommend testing on a District Chromebook instead, where these apps are already available and configured in advance.
These testing apps are Kiosk apps
All our stand-alone testing apps run in what Chrome OS calls "kiosk mode", in order to allow the app itself to commandeer the Chromebook enough to provide a secure testing environment, and so we call them "kiosk apps". The thing to remember is that a kiosk app on a Chromebook runs outside of a traditional Chrome user session; that is, a user does not log in to the Chromebook, but rather accesses the kiosk app from the sign-in screen itself. (The whole point behind a kiosk app is that it runs in fullscreen and outside the normal user login.)
Getting in to a Kiosk app
On the Sign in to your Chromebook screen, before you sign in, there should be an Apps button at screen lower left:

Clicking on that Apps button should display a list of all the kiosk apps that have been configured for that Chromebook's assigned school/location. Selecting one from the list launches Chrome's kiosk mode, and then the selected app within that environment.
Running a Kiosk app
Apps differ, of course, but a few things to keep in mind:
- A kiosk app may take a long time to load, without necessarily telling the user that. Please be patient, especially the first time. The first time an app loads may be significantly longer than subsequent launches.
- Kiosk apps may make permissions requests from the device, such as requesting file storage or camera, which may be subject to Device Settings for the Chromebook's assigned school. If you run into a problem here, please do call the Helpdesk so we can work it out with you.
- A kiosk app may impose a screen resolution requirement. An example of what this might look like is this:

In the example, the horizontal resolution (first number) is fine, but the vertical resolution (second number) is less than the minimum. In such a case, you can always try the quick expedient of resetting the Chromebook to its default screen resolution, with the keystroke Ctrl+Shift+0 (number zero, not letter "o"). This seems to solve the problem in most instances. (Note that screen resolution may need to be reset after restarting the Chromebook; also note that Google has an article covering screen resolution more generally.)
- Kiosk apps may ask a user to sign in, within the app itself. This is perfectly normal for a testing app, which wants to set up a secure environment of its own in which to run, without the hazards of trying to exist within a normal, generalized user session.
Getting out of a Kiosk app
A kiosk app is designed to run in fullscreen, and not be subject to the usual application switching or resizing that you would be used to elsewhere. Some apps may have built into them a way to exit elegantly (e.g., the DRC INSIGHT testing app), but not all of them do. The way to get out of any kiosk app, is to use the Power button on the keyboard. You have to hold the key down for more than just an instant, but you should get the Power off and Sign out options within one second:

Clicking on Sign out should take you back to the Sign in to your Chromebook screen, and Power off should do just as it promises.
Appendix: what's the latest Chrome OS I can run?
During any given academic year, the District has several different models of Chromebook in its fleet, and each Chromebook model has its own life cycle of support, both from Google and from the District. The article Equipment Lifecycle Policy lists out each Chromebook model and its "last day of support" from Google. That date is the date beyond which that model will no longer be eligible for future Chrome OS updates; essentially it "fixes" that model to the version of Chrome OS that was current on that date. (This system thus gives a clear picture of a given model's limitations after its "last day of support" passes, and it also does provide a means of future planning for "last day of support" dates still to come.)
So, for example, the model 3180 Chromebook had its "last day of support" on June 30, 2022, when the current version of Chrome was "major version 103", or M103 for short. Thus a model 3180 Chromebook is limited to Chrome version 103 and prior, and if a testing app such as NWEA Secure Browser sets its minimum Chrome version at M106, then the 3180 device won't be able to install and run the NWEA Secure Browser and thus any test that uses that engine.
Appendix: recovering local storage space
Some of these apps have a storage space requirement in order to run: usually, a baseline amount to install the app itself, and then sometimes an additional amount for each user's test data. These can represent a significant portion of the available storage on a Chromebook (which are often ordered with minimal onboard storage because "user files" are not normally stored on a Chromebook), and sometimes you may need to recover that space to test further students. The simple way to recover this space is to do a "powerwash" or reset. In a pinch, on any machine, you can do this powerwash yourself, or you can contact the Helpdesk about assisting by sending remote commands to an identifiable cohort of machines.
Appendix: further information about specific apps
This section will grow and update as we add details to it from our testing experiences. If something should be here that isn't, please contact the Helpdesk and let us know!
Note: These links should include the current year's system requirements.