Using the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) Progress Monitoring Tool
APS Overview
The Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) is an incredible opportunity to help fund your future education. By meeting certain academic and curriculum requirements during high school, you could qualify for a scholarship of up to $7,000 per year for use while attending a college or vocational training program in Alaska.
KPBSD makes monitoring your progress towards qualifying for the APS easy with the APS Progress Monitoring tool available in the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal. Use the instructions below to access and better understand your individual progress toward qualifying for the Alaska Performance Scholarship.
Accessing the APS Scholarship Progress Monitoring Tool
Step 1
Login to the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal using your KPBSD credentials
Step 2
In the left navigation menu, click the APS Scholarship button

Step 3
Review your progress toward APS qualification. There are two primary requirements: a curriculum requirement, and a GPA or Standardized Test requirement.
The top portion of the APS Scholarship screen displays your progress toward completing the curriculum requirements:

Green checkboxes indicate that you have completed a course that qualifies toward APS curriculum requirements. Courses you are currently enrolled in, but that are not yet completed with a passing grade are listed if they qualify toward any of the curriculum requirements.
The bottom portion of the screen indicates whether you have achieved any APS award level qualifications based on completing the curriculum requirements, GPA or Standardized Test scores. The highest qualifying level achieved is indicated by two stars surrounding the level:

Remember: if you still have courses in progress, you may be able to increase your award level by improving your GPA. Your hard work today can unlock significant opportunities for tomorrow!
APS Qualifications
Option A:
- 4 credits/years Science
4 credits/years Math
4 credits/years Language Arts
4 credits/years Social Studies
2 credits of Science, 1 credit of Math, 1 credit of Language Arts, and 2 credits of Social Studies may be substituted with equal credits/years of rigorous additional non-standard subject-area course(s)
Option B:
- 3 credits/years Science
3 credits/years Math
4 credits/years Language Arts
4 credits/years Social Studies
2 credits/years of World Language, Alaska Native Language, Fine Arts, Cultural Heritage, or CTE (1 year of which includes 2 semester of sequentially more rigorous content within a career cluster)
- 1 credit of Science, 1 credit of Math, 1 credit of Language Arts, and 1 credits of Social Studies may be substituted with equal credits/years of rigorous additional non-standard subject-area course(s)
Option C:
- 3 credits/years Science
3 credits/years Math
4 credits/years Language Arts
4 credits/years Social Studies
2 credits/years of World Language, Alaska Native Language, Fine Arts, or Cultural Heritage
- 1 credit of Science, 1 credit of Math, 1 credit of Language Arts, and 1 credits of Social Studies may be substituted with equal credits/years of rigorous additional non-standard subject-area course(s)
GPA or Test Scores
Once you have met your curriculum qualifications, your GPA or Test Scores determine the APS Award Level achieved:
Level 1: GPA 3.5+ or (ACT 25, SAT 1210, or WorkKeys 18)
Level 2: GPA 3.0+ or (ACT 23, SAT 1130, or WorkKeys 15)
Level 3: GPA 2.5+ or (ACT 21, SAT 1060, or WorkKeys 12)