Using the PowerSchool Mobile iOS app
This article is a notebook for users wanting to use the PowerSchool Mobile iOS app.
App or browser?
In general, the choice of whether you "get to PowerSchool" using the dedicated iOS app, or using a browser on the device, is entirely up to you, but be aware that both options exist. Every now and then, a new update will appear in the browser that has not yet made it into the app; on the other hand, some people like using the dedicated app in preference to having to manage browser tabs.
The dedicated app* is student- and parent-centric, just like the main student-and-parent login on the browser (
Launching the app for the first time
The first time you launch PowerSchool Mobile, the app needs a code to connect it to KPBSD's student list, so that it can then find our parent and student logins successfully. Upon launch, you will see a screen like this one, asking for KPBSD's "district code", which is FRGJ.

Logging in
Once the app has been connected to our District's catalog, you will be presented with a login credentials screen:

Again, logging in here is just the same as it would be on the web browser for the student and parent login screen. Students log in with their student number and password just as they would to log into a District Windows machine or Chromebook (remembering to use the leading zero, for a total of six digits), and parents log in with the email and password credentials they set up when configuring their parent account.
Using the app
Once logged in, you land on a Dashboard page that has many of the same tools as the browser website, but just organized differently. So, what is presented in the browser as Navigation on the left-side of the screen, in the app is instead arrayed across the bottom:

For parents with multiple students, the student selector is in the form of a drop-down chooser at upper right:

Aside from the slightly different layout, using the app is pretty straightforward, and please note that there is an onboard Help function underneath More in the bottom-side navigation.
* For non-District iOS devices, the app is available on the App Store, at For District devices, if your device doesn't already have it installed, you can find and get the PowerSchool app in the My Resources list of the Jamf School Student self-service app.