About your Windows desktop
Your Windows device
Dell desktop computer (fleet models vary)
More information in the Support Knowledge Base

District Windows desktops are used by both staff and students. Like our Windows laptops, they are managed devices with a customized edition of Windows, an in-house software deployment and update system, and a fleet life-cycle plan that replaces outdated models over time. Most desktops are deployed as a workstation with one or more monitors, mouse, and keyboard.
Using a District user login on a fleet device inside the District's network, a Windows user can see shared network resources and get remote assistance from the Helpdesk. See the above link for more details on those and other topics, including how to connect to printers, request software or Windows updates, troubleshoot network connections, get repairs, etc.
If you need further help with your device, by all means contact the Helpdesk at x8878, or submit a ticket to helpdesk@kpbsd.k12.ak.us.