Getting Started with Linewize for KPBSD Staff
This article is designed as a starting point for KPBSD staff that documents the Linewize platform used for filtering and student online safety monitoring.
Platform Overview
KPBSD leverages three separate services in the Linewize product family to filter web content, enhance online safety, and ensure internet resources are used in ways that enhance student education. For more information on district filtering policies, see KPBSD's Acceptable Use Policy/Internet Safety Policy.
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The three primary components outlined in the summary video are as follows:
Component and Scope
What is is…
What it isn't...
School Manager
- Student accounts
- Staff accounts
- Devices connected to KPBSD network
A basic filtering solution operating on search term and website addresses. All devices connected to KPBSD networks are subject to filtering provided by School Manager.
School Manager replaces our previous filter (Netspective) and filters all devices owned by KPBSD or connected to KPBSD network services.
- CIPA-compliant web filter, basing filtering decisions on search terms and web addresses (URLs)
- Technology protection measure (basic filtering) as required by E-Rate federal grant covering 70% of eligible telecommunications costs
- School Manager isn't a content filter aware of learning management system content, chat, social media, or other user-generated content
- School Manager isn't human moderated and only has limited context-matching ability, with limited ability to detect and alert on repeated or subtly-linked context or behavior
Provides classroom-level control of the digital learning environment.
Information Services is actively working on final technical integration steps for the Classwize component. More information will be available shortly if you are interested in using this tool in your classroom!
- A platform to manage online distractions, focus digital lessons, and maximize student engagement
- Tools to control the digital experience within the bounds of a class period
- Classwize isn't a broad-spectrum filtering tool. Categorical search term and web address filtering is still provided by School Manager
- Classwize isn't a tool to manage or control student devices outside the class period
Extends monitoring of student online safety beyond traditional web address or search term filtering by providing filtering of user-generated content spaces (learning management systems, Google Drive, Office 365, chat, social media)
Monitor is not active yet. Information Services continues technical integration work.
- The component of the Linewize ecosystem that leverages a combination of artificial intelligence and trained human moderators to flag when a student's online behavior may be dangerous
- Additional context for School Manager alerts, filtered through human moderators to classify behaviors among seven risk categories and five levels
- A tool to inform early detection and intervention for students at risk online
- Monitor isn't a tool that shares or collects personal student data
- Monitor isn't a tool that accesses or monitors staff sessions
- Monitor isn't a tool with access to computer webcam or microphone
- Monitor isn't a tool providing full history or look-back capabilities; context is captured only for time period of detected alert