Bluebook Testing for Testing Coordinators
This article is a notebook for District testing coordinators administering College Board tests digitally with the Bluebook app.
College Board resources
Related knowledgebase resources
Specific recommendations from IT
See device-specific articles above for details on each kind of device; the following is presented from a fleet-level perspective.
- Before the testing window begins, make sure your testing devices are up-to-date, on the network, and charged
- Before the testing window begins, make a list of your testing devices (by BN and SN/ST) so that we can better monitor cohort(s)
- Before the testing window begins, coordinate with the Helpdesk to clear Chromebook user profiles and avoid storage problems
- Before the testing window begins, spot-test your device fleet to make sure the app opens and accepts user logins appropriately, passing the preflight checks
When you launch the Bluebook app, there is a version display in the lower right corner of the screen, and a system requirement checker tool at screen upper right.
(on Chromebook)
(on iPad) 
Notebook and observed behavior
There are a few big takeaways you will want to know about, including:
- Personal Chromebooks specifically not allowed--they must be managed devices. (Other personal Windows/Mac/iPad devices which meet specs can work.)
- Make sure your devices meet requirements. Check the links for each device type for specifics.
- Devices have a minimum-available-storage requirement of 150MB for the first test and 50MB for each subsequent one. This is so the device can persist the student answers safely through to the point of test submission, without losing data.
- This could produce a problem in some Chromebooks, which can become very limited in local storage space. In order to best cover this requirement, we recommend that we remotely clear existing user profiles shortly before testing begins. We prefer to do these remote clears in batch whenever possible, so please coordinate with the Helpdesk in advance to make sure we've covered the devices with which you expect to test. (If needed, we can also clear the user profiles to recover storage on a case-by-case basis, or you can even do a full Chromebook reset yourself.) We do this by device Borough or Serial Number.
- The Bluebook app's UI does contain some requirement checking, and may present a message about e.g. screen resolution or the removal of user data upon logout. If you have questions about these, please contact the Helpdesk.
- As described in their respective articles, external keyboards and mice for devices can be summarized:
- For Chromebooks, external mice are allowed but external keyboards are not.
- For iPads, external mice and keyboards are always allowed, and an external keyboard may be required for some tests.
If you have problems
If you wind up having problems along the way, please contact your testing coordinator and if necessary contact the Helpdesk.