Staff Technology Orientation
This article intends both to support the onboarding and orientation of new staff (welcome to KPBSD, by the way!), and also to serve as a refresher for those returning. It collects information and curated links of interest to people getting up and running with KPBSD technology and related support. As such, we will periodically update content, here, to be as current as possible.
First of all: what kind of technology help do you need?
For educators, when you realize you need help with your technology, the first question to ask yourself is: what kind of help--instructional, or technical?
The District has people who specialize in both!
If you're not quite sure which category your need might fit in, just start with one of us, and we'll figure it out with you.
Information Services Helpdesk and Support Portal
This article focuses on the technical side of the fundamental question. In that vein, probably the single most important thing we can tell you is that our group, KPBSD Information Services, is here to support you. Our team includes:
- the computer techs who come to schools in person for onsite support;
- administration for District-wide systems such as phones, networking, email, cloud apps, learning management tools, software and apps catalogs, etc.;
- device fleet management including repair desk, acquisition/redistribution, and strategy; and
- the Helpdesk and Support Portal which act as your first point of entry for getting help.
In addressing any given problem, we may wind up involving multiple people and/or technology tools, but to get started, let's keep things as simple as possible. If you've any doubt about where to begin, feel free to start by calling the 8878 number at the top of the Support Portal's home page.
Technology Overview video on Microsoft Stream
For a single-stop overview of the things you'll want to know to get yourself up and running, this video is available from the Information Services Videos channel of the KPBSD Video Hub (more info about our Helpdesk videos here). It's about 15m of presentation and 20m of demonstration, broken into navigable "chapters" and with a searchable transcript, and is a good place to start. Topics include an overview of core technology resources (e.g., your Active Directory account and network profile, cloud apps accounts with Office 365 and Google, the Helpdesk and Support Portal), the question of "where should I put my stuff?", and how to get help. (If you have trouble with the below embed, click here to go directly to the video in Microsoft Stream.)
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(NOTE: in the video above, the segment demonstrating the District's main website was recorded before the 2022 website update. Everything you see in the video is still on the website, and functionally operates the same way, but on the current website, you can now get to these links from the Find It Fast menu off the top navigation banner.

Support Portal and Knowledge Base
Our team's mantra is that your first point of entry, to get tech help, is to visit the Support Portal, at Aside from the phone number, at the portal you can also access the searchable, online knowledge base (KB), and initiate Helpdesk tickets and service requests.
There is a lot of content already available in the knowledge base (from its rollout in Fall 2021), both user-facing for you, and also inward-facing for us, and we continue to grow the resource as we go along. Please be aware, too, that we highly value feedback about the KB--especially from people new to the District--so if you see something obvious that is either missing or incorrect, please let us know so we can make it better!

Bookmark it! We recommend that you use your District Google Apps account to log in to the Chrome browser (itself a topic covered by this KB article), and then bookmark the Support Portal for yourself. When the time comes for you to contact the Helpdesk, please know that you're always welcome to use the phone line first, but do consider looking to see if the portal might have what you need directly.
Helpdesk videos on Microsoft Stream
Another useful resource for people getting started (or, truly, for anyone who might want a refresher) is the video content we have at the Information Services Videos site on Microsoft Stream. The KB article Helpdesk Videos on Microsoft Stream covers this topic in general, and there is a curated playlist of specific Helpdesk videos that was assembled to support this article. That logically-ordered playlist is at Staff Technology Basics.

Other Things You Should Know
Remote assistance
Because our team is relatively small for the size of the District and number of devices in the fleet, it is common for us to use remote assistance whenever possible. As is discussed further in this article, we frequently remote into users' Windows machines to provide on-the-phone assistance, and although less common there is a similar means of providing remote assistance on District Chromebooks.
Device updates
Updating operating systems, software, and apps on Windows, Chrome, and iOS devices can either be done in toto, by completely resetting the machine (you'll hear terminology like "re-imaging" a Windows machine, "powerwashing" or "resetting" a Chrome device, and "wiping" or "resetting" an iOS device), or it can be scheduled to run incrementally in the background, with or without restarts. The details differ between device types (Windows/Chrome/iOS), and between operating systems and applications/software/apps, but you should be aware that, in general, we often lean on both scheduled and affirmative updates for some kinds of remedy and troubleshooting, and also in order to keep the fleet as up to date as possible. You should be aware that we do this, and that we always try to do so in a way that is minimally disruptive to your data files, settings, and preferences.
Operating systems. In general, we try to schedule device OS updates to stage in the background, and then you participate in the process by performing the regular device shutdowns and restarts (think 'once a week or more' here) which cause the pre-staged installations to occur. Every now and then we have cause either to force an update or to prevent one, but in general we try to stick with this "stage in the background; install upon restart" model.
Apps and software. Whenever possible, we try to deploy managed apps and software (meaning that installation, version control, and licensing are automated), and over time we are moving toward a more "self-service", "on-demand" model of requesting and installing these apps to which either you or your device are entitled. (For example, apps for District-managed iPads are installed through an internal catalog.) To request new software for managed distribution (whether free or paid), go through the Helpdesk.
Continued evolution of support processes
We are continuously working on improving a number of our support processes, including:
- better ways to make service requests (e.g., assign software to computers, add or change a network printer, enable a user account for APECS access, etc.);
- better ways to organize and channel problem tickets (e.g., a wireless access point has gone down, a phone has stopped working, etc.);
- better ways for us to deliver consistent and updated information (e.g., integrating the KB, improved asset management, etc.); and
- other processes internally for ourselves.
You should be aware that we are always striving to improve these things, and that you, especially as new people, are very valuable in that effort. We will do our best to make sure that these evolutionary improvements are as transparent and efficient as possible, and we hope you will work with us by offering feedback about what is and is not working well.
True improvement happens much, much faster with a collaborative process! :-)
Current technology initiatives of note
Two-factor or multi-factor authentication (2FA or MFA). As of July 2023, when you try to access Internet-available District resources (e.g., webmail) from outside the District's network, you will be challenged for a second factor of authentication. You will need to configure your main District user account for multi-factor authentication, and this KB article is available to help you do that.
Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) displays. The District is in the middle of a five-year effort to standardize its classroom IFP displays, and some schools now have new or relatively new Promethean boards for this purpose. These promise to be great devices and friendly toward fleet management, but you should be aware of the initiative and our current place in it. There is a KB article, About Your District Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) Display, to get you started.
Linewize classroom management system now available. In fall 2023, the District began using Linewize as its content filtering / online safety toolkit. There are KB articles to get you started with the overview of the Linewize landscape, and also with the Classwize classroom-management tool for teachers.
Important Links, Summarized
Note that some of the following links also appear above, along with a few others of likely interest. Again, this article is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to point you in a few key directions for further help.
Feedback Welcome!
Since our intent is to keep the above content current, we welcome and even request that you let us know, if you find something here out of date or incorrect. By all means, contact the Helpdesk and let us know!