Choose the Right District Wireless Network for Your Device
The District provides several different wireless networks at its various locations, and there is sometimes confusion as to which network a given device can be, or should be, connected to. There are always some exceptions, but this article covers the configurations that we want to see in most cases.
What Type of Device?
The following table matches the type of device to the appropriate District network.
If your device is:
The network it should be on is:
A District Windows device, including:
- Laptops
- Surface Pro tablets
- Desktops with wireless networking
KPBSD-Internal (should connect automatically; if it does not, see Get a Windows PC Back Onto District Wireless)
(Note: Connections student Windows laptops are treated as personal wireless devices, see final row in this table.)
The KPBSD-ManagedDevices, KPBSD-PersonalDevices, and KPBSD-Guest networks may also be available, but you should "forget" those networks and allow the normal automatic connection to KPBSD-Internal.
A District Chromebook device, any model
KPBSD-ManagedDevices (should connect automatically)
Also see Connect a District Chromebook to District Wireless
The KPBSD-Internal network may appear, but will fail to connect.
A District Apple device, any model
KPBSD-ManagedDevices (should connect automatically)
Also see Connect a District Apple Device to District Wireless
The KPBSD-Internal network may appear, but will fail to connect.
A District wireless device not covered above
Probably KPBSD-ManagedDevices, but please confirm with us.
(Contact the Information Services Helpdesk)
For example: connected Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) displays, Raspberry Pi computers, Android devices for use with Novisign service, etc. Work with the Helpdesk to get these devices deployed!
A personal wireless device, any model (includes Connections-issued student laptops running Windows)
Are you a current District employee or student?
- If so, use KPBSD-PersonalDevices, using the credentials you would use to log in to a District Windows PC (E- or student number, and password)
- If not, use KPBSD-Guest, with credentials from the school's front office.
Is your device managed by another institution (e.g., Kenaitze, UA, etc.)?
Also see:
A connection with KPBSD-PersonalDevices will apply network content filtering using credentials appropriate to your account.
A connection with KPBSD-Guest will apply least-common-denominator (in other words, the most restrictive level of) network content filtering.
Other Important Cases
We run across some other recurring scenarios that bear their own mention. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but to cover the ones more commonly seen.
Raspberry Pi devices. We're happy to say that classroom Raspberry Pi computers can now operate wirelessly on the KPBSD-ManagedDevices network, but you must work with the Helpdesk to enable this--they will not "just work" by trying to connect them the way you would a managed iPad or Chromebook.
Dedicated devices such as non-IFP "smart" TVs or 3D printers; or other IoT devices. Again, work with the Helpdesk to carve out the right place for your device.
The Networks, Summarized
The following lists each of the District-wide wireless networks by name, providing a brief summary of what the intention is for offering them:
KPBSD-Internal. This network is for District Windows devices, and all such machines connecting wirelessly should use this network and no other. Connect information for the network is supplied automatically by Windows group policy, and you should never have to supply credentials for it. (If this does happen, see Get a Windows PC back onto District Wireless.)
KPBSD-ManagedDevices. This network is for District non-Windows fleet devices such as District Chromebooks, iPads, IFP touchboards, etc.. Connect information for the network is supplied automatically to most devices via their respective Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools, and you should not have to supply credentials in most cases. If you are challenged for a password:
KPBSD-PersonalDevices. This network is intended to support the non-District devices of KPBSD staff and students, such as personal smartphones and laptops. When connecting, you supply the same credentials you would use to log in to a District Windows machine: E-number and password for employees, and student number and password for students. While on this network, the District's web content filter will operate off your account's permissions, instead of operating on the (most-restrictive) rule set of the guest network. In general, you'll be able to do more things here, than on the guest network. For more specific connection details, see the following articles:
KPBSD-Guest. This network is intended to support non-District devices not belonging to KPBSD employees or students. Credentials for this network can be arranged through the front office of the school. Note that this network applies the most restrictive content filtering rules of any of the available networks.